VsI EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI (EP) is non-governmental not for profit organisation researching, developing, organizing, providing, coordinating and supervising trainings in the field of non-formal education for various target groups as well for professionals and volunteers.
Organisation seeks to:
- promote, develop and implement the principles of lifelong learning programme in the sphere of non-formal, social and professional skills development, improvement;
- create non-formal education programmes, competence development programmes for specialists working in the sphere of social integration and socialisation;
- organise training for teachers, workshops for children to ensure the development of 21st century skills;
- prepare, implement national as well as European Union funded projects in the sphere of digital education promotion, development as well as actively participate in the process knowledge-based, civil society creation, empowerment of people.
EDUPRO is working towards two main directions:
- EDUPRO carries out various training courses, seminars, conferences, meetings and other events (including practical activities) and provides services of information, counselling, mediating and educative activities to professionals and disadvantaged society groups to ensure their social and labour integration;
- Contributing to bringing different innovations, new work tools, technologies closer to the general education field, developing digital, media competences of adults and children to ensure their successful adaptation to the fast changing world and its demands.

Petit Pas
The social promotion association Petit Pas was founded in Trani, Puglia (IT) in 2015, by a group of professionals, trainers and youth leaders motivated by the desire of improving their community, promoting social initiatives inspired by democracy, equality, and pluralism.
Our goal is to enhance the level of knowledge and skills of our community regardless of gender, social background, cultural or educational background.
Currently, the activities that significantly engage our staff and our volunteers are:
– organization of workshops and training seminars to disadvantaged people, related to the themes of active citizenship, volunteering, tolerance, inclusion, mutual understanding, social entrepreneurship, sustainable growth, and cultural development;
– organization of “alternanza scuola-lavoro” experiences. Through the “learning by doing” methodology, we provide students with the necessary skills to enter the world of work;
– support of vulnerable people with learning disabilities and people with fewer opportunities through tutoring activities, aimed at social inclusion and inclusion in the working world;
– organization of projects for the National Operational Program for schools focused on active citizenship and cultural promotion of the territory;
Through our workshops and seminars collaborate and support retirees to act as mentors for young people. We have carried out projects with disabled young people, giving them the opportunity to work as volunteers in our organization covering roles that could enhance their strengths.
To achieve these goals, we are in contact with important universities, schools, and associations. Our staff has many years of working experience, business and professional contacts with private and public organizations.
The skills and knowledge learned by our staff thanks to the involvement of Petit Pas association in Erasmus + projects, in the experiences of intercultural dialogue, as well as in training courses and social volunteering, have also meant that the territory and organizations active in the social field, they came into contact with new realities and with different ways of conceiving Europe.

Professional Training Solutions (STP Consulting) as Training center is located in Zaragoza (Spain) and it offers training courses and technical support to private companies, public administration in rural areas, schools, NGOs and Incubators of Entrepreneurs into innovation in the areas of education sector, and professional solutions of non-profit sector. Contribute with our services to be qualified to work in a variety of professions for smes with accessibility of innovation and information for people and communities with a social risk as well as disadvantages.
Our main activity is to improve educational, social and cultural standards by intensive co-operation with other EU regions. Therefore, STP is highly active in the development and implementation of educational/vocational trainings as well as in the implementation and promotion of EU projects dealing with education, culture and society.
We work in two main activities:
Cross-sectoral training plans seek to equip smes workers with more general skills common to several branches of activity;( human resources, communication, ICT, finances)
Specific training plans in the context of the social economy.

Lidi Smart Solutions
Lidi Smart Solutions was founded to promote the latest trends in the digital era, offering web-education for adults and youth in a number of fields. Among our core activities were developing and implementing online education platforms and e-learning tools. From there, we grew to tackle the leading-edge technologies, striving to demystify them and increase their accessibility to various social and professional groups. Hence empowering larger communities with the opportunity to take on the demanding challenges of the 21st century. Our recent ventures include exploring the various uses for disruptive blockchain and AI technologies as well as a content synthesis for MOOCs, contributing to EU-funded projects.
Entrepreneurship has been particularly in the scope of our interests and has resulted in a number of training materials. Our focus is on teaching and helping beginning and current entrepreneurs possess relevant and up-to-date knowledge and advanced entrepreneur’s bundle of skills. Among our goals is to broaden the understanding of ready-to-use drag-and-drop platforms and tools as well as the other digital instruments that exist. Integrating some of them into the work environment would equip the entrepreneurs to be competitive members of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Comprehending the foundations of numerous of the newest technologies would help them see new business perspectives or boost their existing businesses.
The company is based in The Netherlands.

Nikanor Ltd was established in 2002 as a private company working in the field of recruitment, adults training and human resources management and development. We’re licensed by NAVET as an adults vocational training center and for a Center for Information and Guidance. Nikanor Ltd is a member of EfVET (one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers.) We are co-founders and members of the International Network LET HER IN ( The aim of the network is to join forces to develop and implement stronger and higher-quality initiatives to empower women to discover their potential.)
The company operates on the local and on international level, depending on the projects it has. It offers vocational trainings in 32 specialties, language courses and soft skill trainings. We continuously update our programmes and develop new training modules. Our focus is not only on course content but also on improving methodology and including modern pedagogical tools and methods. We offer classroom-based trainings, online trainings, blended learning, virtual classrooms, etc.

MECO Project – 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000033396
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