Media culture has expanded massively over the last decades enriching the range of new media every day.
The transition to the digital and the consolidation of communications conglomerates has given rise to a growing interpenetration of media, as genres, themes and contents flow from one to another with increasing fluidity.
We are entering a multimedia environment which progressively envelops, involves and is experienced as an interconnected.

MECO – Media Education- a Challenge to Overcome project intends to promote awareness of media influence and create an active stance towards both consuming and creating media.
It aims to help the users to consider the challenges that digital transformation creates for online safety and cyber healthy existence.
It targets to strengthen adult’s critical thinking, so they can judge and overcome the ever-present threats of fake news, cyber bullying, radicalization, cybersecurity threats and fraud.
The project also focuses on supporting adult educators in transferring the needed knowledge to their students.


Improve the level of skills of educators to adequately contribute to enhance the potential of adults, and development of critical thinking and personal responsibility.

Facilitate access
Facilitate access of adults to informal learning opportunities and exchanges of experiences, widen their awareness and develop their competencies and skills to think and act critically.

Enhance the capacity
Enhance the capacity of adult organizations to appropriately valorize adults, equip those organizations with new training tools and materials to support their target groups, improve and expand the offer of personalized quality learning.
A NEEDS ANALYSIS REPORT to cover the needs of adult educators in their work with learners with fewer opportunities and the methods to encourage adults to engage in lifelong learning and social activities.
MECO TOOLKIT, a training program to guide adult educators when teaching development of critical thinking among the adults and abilities to recognize the fraudulent use of the web.
MECO PLATFORM, an “e-learning Platform” to serve as an open education digital platform for the provision of the training material developed throughout the project.
R4. MECO Competence Assessment
MECO Competence Assessment, an ICT tool to evaluate the needed knowledge and starting skills of the target groups, in order to provide them with useful expertise in the field.

MECO Project – 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000033396
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